Saturday, January 25, 2014

One Night with the King

All little girls believe and dream that they are princesses and that one day they will become Queen. Their prince charming will come whisk them away in the dark of the night and save them from the evil dragon that was threatening their life. After a drama filled escape, the princess and prince finally arrive at his big castle and they live happily ever after! The end.

I have always loved  the story of Queen Esther, ever since I was young. I probably loved this story more than any Disney princess movie because the story of Hadassah, Esther's Jewish name, is an inspiring one that can really happen to anyone of us. We will all face those "fork in the road" situations where we either trust God to save our lives (literally) or we turn to other things to save us. This story really is no fairytale, but rather a story of  Big Faith.

You see, God always chooses the unlikely to carry out his grandiose plans. He chooses those people that everyone would have overlooked to become King/Queen/or the leader. Take King David for example. He was just a shepherd boy that had family problems, but He had the favor of God over his life, allowing him to do mighty things for God in his lifetime. The same applies for Esther. She was an orphan girl, just living with her uncle, Mordecai. An ORPHAN?! God would make an orphan, Queen?!!! Well, yes He would. God uses all types of people to carry out His will as I mentioned before. In the Bible, He used a prostitute named Rahab to help keep God's people safe, thus becoming an ancestor in the lineage of Jesus Christ! God does not look at our physical condition and what we have done, but rather he looks at our heart and if it is willing to serve Him despite how our current condition is looking.

Back to the story! So as I mentioned that Esther was an orphan who found favor with the King and soon became the Queen of Susa. There is a twist in the plot, the King did not know that Esther was Jewish and one of the King's noblemen, Haman, was plotting to obliterate the whole Jewish race. Esther now had two options. She could approach the king unsummoned or let her people die.

The problem was that Esther had not been summoned by the King in thirty days and to approach his throne unsommoned meant immediate DEATH. Off to the gallows you go! Do you now see Esther's dilemma? Do you know see why it was so imperative that she trusted God with her life and the lives of her people?!!

I believe we all have those surreal moments in our lives where we hypothetically speaking, have to approach the king unsommoned. This is a decision that could affect your life and maybe generations to come in your family. Just like Esther, we have to throw out our logic and reason and follow God in this very pivotal moment. These moments could involve: what career path we should take, should you marry this person, should you move to this place, should you step out on faith and launch that organization you have been dreaming of? The list goes on, but the point is, we must have faith as BIG as Queen Esther's despite everyone looking at us like were crazy. I image that once Esther entered the court room unsommoned, all of the officials were screaming in disbelief and in anger at what this disrespectful woman was doing. HOW DARE SHE?! However, they did not know that she had God on her side. ;) SIDENOTE: [You can not let everyone know the dreams and desires that God has placed in your heart because some people simply will not understand. And because they do not understand, they may try to deter you from fulfilling the call on your life. They are not doing it because they don't like you (some do not like you however) but because they do not understand. Watch who you tell your dreams to.]

Esther won favor in the eyes of her king and he extended his scepter to her. God was with her and she was able to make her request known to the king. She in the end was able to save her people and her life as well all because she believed that there was NOTHING to hard for God. She believed in the impossible. Esther had BIG FAITH. Can you image being in her shoes?! Sometimes, I don't think Esther gets enough credit for what she had to do! That was a big weight to carry! Just for a second, imagine how she felt before she went into the throne room. She probably had sweaty palms, her heart was racing fast, pulse on 10million! But the difference was, despite what she was feeling, she took those steps of faith into the throne room and did what she was called to do.

We are all called to have big faith in our lives, like Esther. You will know when those moments come because they usually involve us trusting God or trusting ourselves. If Esther just said "Welppp, good luck to the Jews, I'm good, I'm the Queen", who knows what would have happened! God would have raised another deliverer up to save His people but, Esther's life may not have been saved, even if she was Queen! Mordecai, her uncle, even said:
 "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

God always has plan B,C,D,E,F,G,H all the way to Z and then some more, if you refuse to be obedient and have faith in Him. So the next time you face a reallllyy difficult decision that seems impossible to the human mind, trust God. It's really simple. There is no point in worrying about it. What does worrying do for yourself? NOTHING! Worrying makes you sick and actually worrying is sin. Worrying is the result of the lack of faith you have in God. You don't really believe what God says He is capable of doing... #whoops #heartcheck

I am deciding to have BIG FAITH in all areas of my life from here on out and it won't be easy but all things are possible with God. I want to be able to have the same faith that Esther had as she entered that throne room and approached the king unsommoned. God only knows, but who's to say you were not chosen for such a time as this?


Kay Godd <3

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